Should I Load My Kayak Upside Down?
Can You Mount a Transducer Inside a Kayak? (Pro Tips!)
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Over the years, I have owned numerous fish finders. Up to five at one time sitting on my shelf! Moving them between my fishing kayak, ice fishing sled, and four-wheeler and used them for backups when...
Kayak fishing in a river poses a few more challenges than kayaking in still, calm waters. The water in a river is constantly changing and moving, and there are different currents, speeds, eddies, and...
Fishing from a kayak is a great way to add a new dimension to your fishing trips and help you to catch more fish! However, there are some new challenges associated with kayak fishing, and some of...
Kayak fishing is a fast-growing activity. However, owning and transporting a kayak may cause a few challenges. Transporting your kayak can be one of those challenges that pose the greatest...
When heading back to the shore or launch point as the sun starts to sink low, many are missing out on some fine fishing opportunities! Whether offshore or on a lake, the whole environment changes...
A Personal Floatation Device, often abbreviated to PFD, is a crucial piece of equipment that everyone fishing from a boat should use. This is even more important when fishing from a kayak because you...